Design visionaries who shaped timeless elegance.

The Vignelli's are famous for the creation of one of a kind pieces that are still considered today as milestones in the world of Design, and have been described as "the first couple of modern design". They designed corporate logos for American Airlines, Bloomingdales and Ford. The New York Subway bears the Vignelli's imprint, ( and Mr Vignelli's signature typeface- Helvetica). They designed dishes, office interios, books, furniture, jewellery and many other products during the couples signifcant partnership.

The Film by Kathy Brew and Robert Guerra " Design is One: Lella & Massimo Vignelli" is a tribute to Massimo and Lella and their legacy- A must see for all design lovers.


"If you do it right, it will last forever"

Massimo Vignelli